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Free admission and reduced-price tickets

Free admission and reduced-price tickets

Categories of visitors entitled to free admission and reduced-price tickets


Proof of eligibility for free entry is to be shown when picking up your tickets.

  • Children under 18 years of any nationality, showing passport or id card. Children younger than 12 must be accompanied by adults;

  • Persons with disabilities together with one among their relatives (or any other person accompanying them) are entitled to free priority access (D.M. 507/97 and D.M. 13/2019) only if their handicap is certified. In order to be entitled to free and priority admission, it is necessary to be in possession of a certification of disability issued by a public authority. This documentation must be presented to the reception staff and the ticket office.The following certifications are accepted: a medical certificate issued in accordance with the regulations in force in your country or a specific badge or card and, alternatively, a valid disabled parking card with your personal data; the documentation must be accompanied by the disabled person's identity card. Free entrance and priority access for European Disability Card holders. More on Uffizi Galleries Accessibility Information

  • Scholars; university students and teachers

  • Student groups and teachers 

  • Tour guides and interpreters  

  • Journalists, only if enrolled in the Italian Association of Journalists. They are requested to show a valid certificate for the current year, in Italian or in English for foreign citizens (i.e. Press Card).

  • Employees of the Italian Ministry of Culture;

  • Members of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage;

  • Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);

  • In case of studies and researches authorized by an Italian or international university, academy, school, research institute, or cultural organization, or by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, or for other justifiable reasons, the requesting parties may be granted free admission authorized by the Director of the Uffizi Galleries, which is valid only for specified periods of time.

On free admission days, it is not possible to make reservations and priority admissions are not valid (such as for card and pass holders), except for disabled visitors and people accompanying them by law, pregnant women and school groups included in the maximum number of school groups guaranteed per day (daily quota), as set by the Director.

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European union citizens only, over 18 and until the day of the twenty-fifth year of age showing passport or ID. Among the non-European countries, reduced-price tickets are granted to citizens from Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Uruguay and citizens with permit cards issued for the reasons listed on the website of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

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